We are exploring subcompartment redox regulation using S. cerevisiae and cell lines, and a variety of techniques including biochemical approaches, chemical genetic tools and biosensors.
Research Topics
What we are/will be studying
Oxidative DNA damage
Does highly localised generation of radicals in the nucleus contribute to oxidative DNA damage? Are there nuclear radical producers? What is the involvement of antioxidant systems in regulating DNA damage?
Redox and phase transitions
What happens to redox related molecules including NAD, NADP and glutathione at sites of condensation? Are small molecules included in these structures or are they excluded? Is there redox regulation of condensation events?
Redox Epigenetics
Do post translational modifications of cysteine residues on core structural components in the nucleus regulate cellular memory and adaptation to stresses? How do these occur? Who regulates them and when?
Organelle Communication
Where does the ER end and the nuclear envelop begin? How oxidised is the nuclear lumen? Are there currently uncharacterised transmembrane proteins that can be redox regulated or allow transfer of reducing or oxidising equivalents across membranes?
Redox control of transcription
Does redox regulation affect transcription? What proteins are the targets? How can this influence gene expression?
Redox modifications on RNA
How can redox and metabolite changes affect mRNA? When is the mRNA modified with redox-related co factors and what does this mean for protein expression?