Exploring intracellular redox heterogeneity

About Me
Throughout my life, I’ve approached every challenge with enthusiasm, creativity, and ceaseless desire to achieve success. This passion and drive have paved the way to countless opportunities, unique experiences and exceptional relationships both personally and professionally. If you’re interested in learning more about me, keep reading or get in touch.
My Experience
Background & Expertise
Group leader
I am now a Tenure Track Fellow/Independent Group Leader at the University of Liverpool!
Postdoctoral Researcher
2018 - 2024
I joined the lab of Tobias Dick at the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) in Heidelberg, Germany. I generated tethered genetically encoded biosensors that enable us to study redox heterogeneity.
Research Associate (Postdoc)
2015 - 2018
In Chris Grant's lab at the University of Manchester, I worked on the interplay between translational control, stress adaptation and ageing.
What I’ve Learned
2011 - 2015
PhD in Cell Biology
I joined the Wellcome Trust funded PhD programme "The Dynamics of Cellular Pathways" at the University of Manchester. My thesis focused on stress responses, organelle biogenesis and homeostasis, and redox regulation.
2009 - 2011
MSc by research in Biochemistry
At the University of Oxford (Biochemistry Department and Merton College), I studied oxidative protein folding in bacteria using both structural and cell biology techniques.
2004 - 2009
Degree in Biology
I studied Biology at the University of Crete, on the elective program: Biomolecular Sciences and Biotechnology. My undergraduate thesis was focused on oxidative protein folding and protein import into mitochondria.
We have several PhD student positions open!
Contact me if you are interested!
"Do not go where the path may lead. Instead, go where there is no path and leave a trail"